I am very happy to announce that I will be offering a series entitled “Introduction to ISTDP” on 8 Sundays (9/18, 10/16, 11/20 in 2016; and 1/8, 2/5, 3/5, 4/9, and 6/11 in 2017) from noon to 4pm. The meetings will take place at William James College (formerly MSPP) in Chestnut Hill.
The meetings will include formal didactics, patient video, experiential exercises, consultation/supervision opportunities, and lots of opportunities for questions and answers in a supportive atmosphere.
Space is limited, and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please email me at nk@natkuhn.com.
I am really looking forward to doing this, and I think we will have a great group!
The price is $750 for the series ($250 for trainees). Discounts are available in cases of financial pressure. Continuing Education credits are available for a $15 administrative fee for most disciplines (including MDs, but unfortunately not including nurses).